
Articles in this Category
Facebook Dominance

Facebook Dominates Video Ad Spend with 25% Share

June 25, 2024
1:16 pm

Facebook is a Leader in Video Ad Spending With a 25% share, Facebook holds a significant portion of the market for video advertising expenditure. This indicates that many businesses consider Facebook a valuable platform to reach their target audience through video ads. Reasons for Facebook’s Dominance Overall: Facebook has a significant position in the video ad market. Businesses considering video advertising should carefully evaluate Facebook’s offerings and compare them to other platforms to determine the best fit for their target audience and campaign goals. Online Video Ads to grow and make up to 25% of U.S. digital advertising for 2018. Facebook Dominates Video Ad Spend with 25% Share

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Top 20 Web Designing Trends to Follow in 2024

June 15, 2024
2:42 pm

With trends shifting as technology advances and user preferences change, web design is an ever-evolving field. It’s essential for designers to get an edge by acknowledging and utilizing the latest trends that enhance user experience, improve aesthetics, and leverage new technologies. Here are the top 20 web designing trends to follow in 2024. 1. Dark Mode Dominance Due to its modern look and user-friendly nature, especially in low-light environments, dark mode continues to gain significant popularity. It is a must-have for contemporary web design as it reduces eye strain and can save battery life on OLED screens. 2. 3D Elements Top 20 Web Designing Trends to Follow in 2024

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Revolutionise Your Website with Creative

June 15, 2024
1:33 pm

In today’s digital environment, the online presence is determined by the speed and user experience of your website. “Walmart found that improving their page load time by one second increased conversions by 2% (Farside Web Dev) “. Users generally demand instant results and seamless interactions, it has become a necessity to optimise your website for speed and engagement. At Creative Web Mall, we know the importance of delivering extraordinary performance and user experiences. That’s why, we provide curated website design and development for a 2X speed boost and an engaging UI/UX that delivers results. Our websites are developed to score Revolutionise Your Website with Creative

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Top Reasons Why Your Website Needs To Be Redesigned Using New Technology

Top Reasons Why Your Website Needs To Be Redesigned Using New Technology

July 22, 2022
10:00 am

Besides longing to start over, the major motivation for entirely redesigning a website is usually technical. And it’s generally a push factor, meaning that leaving your site alone would have a detrimental impact on your organic position and any future web traffic – let alone conversions. So, here are some technical reasons that are indicators that it’s time you changed and you considered redesigning your website from a technical point of view. If Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly In 2017, the Search Engine Journal noted that “mobile web surfing has eclipsed desktop browsing as the device of the first choice of Top Reasons Why Your Website Needs To Be Redesigned Using New Technology

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Gatsby Web Design

Why Gatsby Is The Right Choice For Building Websites In 2022?

March 8, 2022
11:01 pm

Let’s Understand Gatsby for Web designing Gatsby is an open-source front-end framework that allows developers to make use of the greatest features of React, Webpack, GraphQL, and other front-end technologies to create better websites. Gatsby blends the capability of a framework with the speed of a static-generated website. For quicker load times, code splitting, server-side rendering, asset optimization, intelligent image loading, and data prefetching, it exclusively employs static files. As a result, the page loads really quickly. The website code is converted into a directory with a single HTML page and static assets by Gatsby. The file is subsequently submitted Why Gatsby Is The Right Choice For Building Websites In 2022?

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website speed optimization

The ever-increasing significance of your website’s load time

March 3, 2022
2:30 pm

Businesses, regardless of their niche or industry, want users to have an exceptional experience on their websites. The Creative Web Solutions team loves measuring the performance of the website and checking out how it could be optimized. You can’t afford to ignore the importance of website loading speed as your customers’ online behavior evolves with each passing day. Here are some of the reasons why site performance is still a greater concern than you actually think. Web users have become impatient because of slow websites People who are now exploring your products and services on the internet do not have The ever-increasing significance of your website’s load time

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Ultra Shareable Content

Tips for Developing Super-Shareable Blog Content for Social Media

November 13, 2018
5:28 pm

Social media platforms have been a blessing to marketers and sales teams who use content to promote or engage prospects. Gaining significant traction on social can drastically increase your company’s web traffic, and expose you to readers who would otherwise have never found your company. And yet, with thousands of articles and various forms of content shared to social media platforms every minute, it’s also very easy to get buried in the noise if the content you share doesn’t hit the right audience. The key to being noticed on social platforms, and gaining the attention of your target audience, is Tips for Developing Super-Shareable Blog Content for Social Media

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1 min read
Top Tips to Help the Design of a Website Stand Out

Top Tips to Help the Design of a Website Stand Out

October 19, 2018
3:03 pm

Top Tips to Help the Design of a Website Stand Out A website is the storefront of your business. In short, it is the first thing your customers will see when they search for your online presence on the leading search engines. Therefore, it becomes extremely important to create a good, first impression. While your team of web designers is already an expert when it comes to creating highly engaging websites, it won’t really hurt if you remind them of some amazing tweaks that can make all the difference between beautiful and bland. Let us look at some wonderfully effective Top Tips to Help the Design of a Website Stand Out

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SEO Guide

Small Business Guide to SEO

August 21, 2018
4:43 pm

SEO depicts a gathering of practices that drive natural movement to a business site by boosting its place in web search tool comes about. In case you’re an entrepreneur and you utilize the web to drive clients to your business (which ought to be the majority of you), you’re likely in any event fairly comfortable with website streamlining (SEO) SEO offers an energizing plausibility: If you know how to utilize it appropriately, you can support your business to the highest point of the query items for your industry, which is a portion of the best free promoting you can get. Small Business Guide to SEO

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World Health Day 2018

Happy World Health Day 2018

April 7, 2018
5:50 pm
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