10 Reasons You Should Develop Websites With Next.Js

10 Reasons You Should Develop Websites With Next.Js

April 23, 2022
10:00 am

The way React apps are built has entirely changed thanks to Next.js. Owing to its outstanding features that make app creation easier, it has become a go-to framework for many developers. With the addition of new features and improvements to existing ones, Next.js has grown significantly. Continue reading to learn about the framework’s core features and how they benefit you.

Some of the Best Next.JS Features to Keep an Eye Out For

Fetching Data

You may choose the pre-rendering structure for each page with Next.js. Companies that employ Next.js developers can use static generation for nearly all pages to create a hybrid app.

Built-in CSS

Each CSS record from the JavaScript file can be imported into Next.js. The feature demonstrates that Next.js is expanding its importing concept beyond JavaScript. It utilises styled-jsx by default, which means that all style /style> labels for specific pages are separated. There is no need to overwrite them. These styles are developed both on the server and on the client. This is why you may view a design just by going to the website. Such configurations have advantages and disadvantages, but thankfully, the components in Next.js are simple to set up even without styled-jsx. This effect is achieved by utilising CSS-in-JS.

Number of Pages

Pages are one of the most useful features of Next.js, and they may be rendered with JavaScript or libraries. Rather than establishing a JavaScript record including all app scripts, the app is divided using some of Next.js’ different assets. When you load a page, it only loads the JavaScript that is required for that page.

Image Enhancement

Image Optimization and Image Component are available in Next.js. The HTML component extension, which is required for cutting-edge programmes, is referred to as the Image Component. Developing, resizing, and serving pictures in configurations is easier using Image Optimization. It does not send any large images to devices with a smaller viewport. Next.js ensures that future image formats are supported by JavaScript, and all of them can be served to any browser that supports them.


Similar to IDE, Next.js gives a superior TypeScript experience. If you employ Next.js developers for your project, they may create a TypeScript version by using the –typescript or –ts switch when building next-application.

Quick Refresh

It’s a Next.js feature that gives you faster feedback when you make modifications to your React components. On 9.4 and subsequent versions, the functionalities are activated by default. When Fast Refresh is enabled, all changes are seen in a fraction of a second and the component state is not lost. This functionality will refresh all the scripts in that page and render your components again when updating the record exporting React components. Any modifications to the record, such as delivery logic, style, impacts, and event controllers, are possible.

Meta Tags

When you hire Next.js developers, you’re demonstrating that you care about the app’s SEO. Fortunately, identifying independent titles, representations, and keywords for each webpage will not be a problem. They may be added by utilising the Head component. It’s simply a matter of importing the component from next/head. The code may then be pasted into render components.


It’s a basic Next.js feature in which the router is built on the concept of pages. The React switch can be used by developers who code in the React framework. Since it comes with the framework, Next.js is capable of doing this task. In order to characterise another switch, you must first make a record in the directory pages. You must utilise the Link component to go to different pages.


The Next.js team may breakdown the page into components progressively using the React paradigm. A significant number of components are repeated across several pages.

Browsers and features that are supported

Without any additional design, Next.js works with a variety of browsers, including IE11. The polyfills necessary for IE11 compatibility may be readily injected by the team. To eliminate duplication, these polyfills can also be discarded.



Next.js is a promising framework with a slew of cool features that boost developer productivity and reduce workload. Next.js has become a popular framework among developers due to its unique characteristics.

Creative Web Mall India Pvt. Ltd. provides the fastest and most scalable server-side application app and website development services. Our developers make complete use of the power of Next.js and develop applications and websites that are feature-rich, fast, and customized for your business needs.