3 Standards That Make a Good Website Design

3 Standards That Make a Good Website Design

July 15, 2016
3:36 pm

In the same way that good content is judged based on criterions, a good website design is also assessed based on a specific set of standards. These standards are:

1. Keeping Customers’ Satisfied

Many companies often miss the fact that customer satisfaction should always be their top priority if they really want to keep their position in the market. This means that all promotional tactics employed by the company should be centered on the goal of keeping their customers satisfied. This whole idea of prioritizing customer satisfaction over marginal gains extends further to the website design that the company chooses. This means that even if a specific website design or concept will make the company spend more money and time in its development, the company should still go for it in the name of customer satisfaction.

2. Meeting Customers’ Needs

This is still in line with standard number 1, with a slight difference as to how it is manifested. It should be noted that customer satisfaction is usually based on what the customer “thinks” that he/she needs. On the other hand, the customer may not be aware of his/her other needs and this is where standard 2 enters the picture.

Apart from keeping customers satisfied by giving them what they want (i.e. good content, new products, intricate typography, modern designs, etc.), your website should also be designed in a way that it will “condition” customers to desire whatever it is that you find fitting and advantageous for your company. A good website design should be able to achieve what the business requires for its survival and growth. In a way, you “manipulate” the customer to begin to “need” the things that will profit your company.

This is not an easy task and this requires heavy brainstorming. For this reason, standard number 2 can only be effectively met if the content developer, the website designer, the owner/s of the company and the clients are working hand-in-hand. But how do you make the clients work with you? This is covered by standard number 3.

3. Communication with Clients

Your clients will feel their connection and involvement to your company if you will establish a means for them to conveniently reach you. As mentioned in the discussion of standard number 2, communication with your clients is also an effective tool to gather enough information to assess what your clients really need, whether they are aware of these needs or not.