
How Web Designing Is Different From Graphic Designing

How Web Designing Is Different From Graphic Designing

November 3, 2017
12:16 pm

Many times, the designing terms -web designing and graphic designing- are mixed by amateurs of those who don’t have detailed knowledge about the fields. Although the two are designing terms, there’s huge different between them. They have different role in digital world and serve different purposes. Here’s what to know more about the fields and their differences:

Web Design

The field includes web graphic design, software, search engine optimization (SEO) and interface design to design, develop and maintain a website.

Graphic Design

Here, images, graphics and typography are used to showcase an idea. The field is related to print sector, which sometimes may also include working on website projects.

Difference Between Web Design And Graphic Design

  • Graphic design professionals are with more rights to use their ideas with resolution and programming of a design. On the other side, website designers have to keep a website and balance in design in their mind.

  • Colors, font range and various other visual elements are different for the two fields. Graphics designers have more freedom to do experiment with these elements, while graphic designers have certain boundaries which they do not cross.

  • Graphic design is static when it is about presentation. On the other side, web design includes lively visual effects and increased user interaction when it is about the presentation.

  • A graphic designer can use mediums like paper or cloth to print their designing ideas, while a web designer shows their work through screen.

Web designing is a way to reach global audience in less time. But the best of it can be availed by hiring an experienced service provider of website designing. Creative Social Intranet has unique web designing services with other tools to promote a business or brand over the Internet.