How to Source and Find Higher Value Internet Marketing Content?

How to Source and Find Higher Value Internet Marketing Content?

March 6, 2016
4:48 pm

How to Source and Find Higher Value Internet Marketing Content?

This week I thought it might be appropriate to offer you some tips on how you can source and find helpful or higher value content on the subject of Internet Marketing. These days all anyone needs to do is a quick online search to find what seems like a myriad of articles about internet marketing or SEO or making money online. The question is how can you tell all the hype from someone who is publishing something legitimate? Do the people who claim to be experts offering their knowledge in these articles, really have any genuine experience to back up their claims or support what they’re talking about.

How can you determine which content contains good, legitimate higher value information and which are written by the want to bees who are only just repeating what they’ve read everywhere else, and may be hoping to make a sale in one of their affiliate programs?

Here are a few tips to consider when trying sourcing the real helpful content.

Remember, when a person writes an article, if you read several of their articles you can actually get to know a person’s voice or shall we say their writing style. One of the easiest things you can do when you find something helpful, is to do a search for more articles by the same author’s name. This, probably above all other ways, is the easiest way to judge the quality of information you’ll likely find in their articles on the subject internet marketing or other topics in general.

Beware of every article or Web content you come across claims some amazing new and different ways to strike it rich online. This may not be your best source for information. If all of the information they offer however, seems to reach beyond the sales pitch and tries to educate or bring a sense of understanding about the topic, you will automatically be lifted and free to search for more content from that author.

There are legitimate affiliate marketers that do care about their readers and subscribers and it’s not hard to tell which ones are writing for you or which ones are only trying to sell you some product. The difference is in the value that the author’s content delivers up. Does the author’s writing style offer you anything other than a sales pitch for some product? Is there any evidence that they care about their readers? Ask yourself whether this expert made their money using principles of marketing, or whether instead, they only make their money by selling you and other people a “how to make money” course.

Most legitimate internet marketers are going to have a link in their Bio about their business or themselves that will lead you to more of their information, or their Web site or possibly more content written by them. This is normally just the author using good article marketing principles by giving you the option to get more information about them or their business or perhaps to entice you to look at their product. This alone should never put you off. After all marketers do have to make money and once you’ve found someone who is helpful, you may want to know more about them or what else they do.

However, if the article really doesn’t contain anything but details about how badly you need to try their product, then it’s just a disguised sales pitch, not really an article. Most publishers don’t want to just publish sales pitches. Professional publishers want useful and engaging content that their readership will value.

One of the best tips, like so many other things in life, is practice makes perfect. Read as many articles on internet marketing as you can find, and you’ll soon be able to spot the difference between creators who offer real information (either freely in the article, or sometimes for sale) and those who’ve slapped up an affiliate sales page or a sales pitch.

Remember that even the poorly written articles can benefit you in this fashion by revealing time and again how not to approach someone. Another good tip is to watch content that is written so that it is self focused – (someone continually talking about themselves and using self focused words like I, we, our, we’re the best, why we are so great – as content written with a focus on others.

Sometimes of course you’ll tend to find the similar information presented in different ways by different authors. This just shows that they’re good ideas. If you see certain authors’ names frequently, that’s good. It shows they’re successfully using what they write about in their articles on internet marketing.

If you are a writer yourself, remember the best way to write for your readers is to write encouraging, helpful truths. Try to practice writing to help bring your readers good understanding rather than the way some people tend to want to over complicate things to lift themselves. Instead, dialog in a way that lifts your readers and encourages them and in your writing, the fact that you care will be reflected in your own writing style.

If you write, good luck on your writing journey. If you read, then may you quickly learn how to find the best voices to help and encourage your business?