
Seven Unique Advantages to Owning an Information Marketing Business

Seven Unique Advantages to Owning an Information Marketing Business

August 25, 2016
6:19 pm

Have you always wanted to start your own business since the days of childhood lemonade stand? Not sure what business to focus on especially in today’s market? Did you know that the information marketing business has seven unique advantages over any other proven business models?

Unique Advantage 1: There is a low barrier to entry. You can start with very little money.

When I was in the restaurant business, each store cost us about $150,000 to $200,000 in equipment and tenant improvements for the location. It was a lot of money just to get in, and none of it was guaranteed to succeed. We never knew whether the location would be a winner and we’d be able to break even or recoup our money. We were only hoping we would make a profit.

There is a very high barrier to entry for traditional, brick-and-mortar businesses. With information marketing, you can start profiting virtually within the next 24 hours. You can turn the faucet on and profits start coming in. It won’t be much at first, so don’t quit your day job, but it’s possible to start generating revenue extremely fast.

Unique Advantage 2: Tremendous leverage.

You can replace a lot of manual, repetitive tasks that you would traditionally have to do with things that can be automated and delegated in this business. This is unlike the restaurant business where working with customers and answering their questions is done every day. In the information marketing business, this can be totally automated.

And the best part is as your business matures and becomes more sophisticated the easier it will be to handle most of the things automatically.

Unique Advantage 3: Low amount of customer interaction. You don’t have to spend much time responding to clients.

In group and product programs, you can create an extremely successful and profitable business and impact a lot of people. This is the key. Many of you have a passion for what you do. You want to change the world and help a lot of people. You can help a lot more individuals when you are not bogged down solving the problems of one specific, problematic customer who demands a lot of your time. You can never satisfy them.

With an information marketing business, you can minimize or eliminate customer interaction. Only your best customers will be getting access to you. Another benefit is that your income doesn’t stop when you stop working with clients. This is a big issue for many professional consultants, coaches, speakers and therapists.

Unique Advantage 4: You don’t need a staff.

This is one of those misconceptions. I will tell you that most successful information marketing businesses do have employees. The more successful they get, the more employees they have. Some have actual employees and others have virtual assistants or independent professionals working with them. They build large teams that allow them to grow faster.

But you can start in your spare time with just one staff member. You. And when you grow, and hopefully you will grow fast, you can add additional people to your team. They don’t have to work with you in your office. They can work remotely.

Unique Advantage 5: It can be done out of your home office. You don’t need to rent space.

When I first started my business, the most comfortable place to work was my couch. I had my laptop on my legs, my legs on an ottoman, and that’s how I was typing my messages and did the recordings for my first few products.

Picture me sitting on my couch in my living room just enjoying my environment and creating something that, to this day, generates revenue. I didn’t have to get up and go to work, drive in traffic, or deal with unruly coworkers or rude and demanding bosses. It was all out of my home office.

To this day, I run my business out of my home office in Irvine, California. My in-house team consists of myself, my wife and my assistant, and I have a team of virtual assistants, audio technicians, and web designers.

Our business is very big and sophisticated, but we didn’t start this way. It started very, very small. My goal is to show you exactly how to do it, assuming you don’t know anything, you have very limited resources and you don’t know technology. That’s how I want to help you get started, step-by-step.

Unique Advantage 6: Huge profit potential.

This happens for two reasons. First, information products and programs have humongous markups. Something that costs you $1 can be sold for $10, $20, $100, and in some cases even $1,000. Your hard costs are very low and your profits will be very high.

We used to call my restaurant a “penny” business. You have to watch every single penny that’s spent or wasted because the profit margins are so slim. In information marketing, you can afford to make big mistakes because you will still make a profit. That’s a huge advantage.

You don’t have that luxury in any other business. The service business definitely doesn’t have it because you employ other service professionals who may be delivering some of the work to the clients. If a mistake is made, who gets paid to fix it? None of this happens with information marketing.

Unique Advantage 7: The information marketing business is scalable.

Once you build the formula and platform, it allows you to skyrocket the business. It’s almost like revving the engine of a car. It may take awhile but once you get it going, it will take off like a rocket.

Once everything is built and you know how to drive it, you can rev it up, pedal to the metal, and the business will skyrocket. Why? It’s leveraged and not dependent on you. It’s dependent on duplicate formulas, systems, automation and delegation. This allows you to quickly rev up your business and scale it.

How do you duplicate yourself? I know many of you often think to yourself, “I wish there was another me. I wish I could somehow clone myself.” It’s not that easy when you’re solo professional. Hiring another professional of your caliber, education, personality, characteristics and skills is virtually impossible. It’s hard to team up with more people.

Information marketing doesn’t have the traditional barriers most conventional startups have; instead it has amazing potential for growth, profitability, and success. Here’s to your success!