Articles in this Category
Facebook Dominance

Facebook Dominates Video Ad Spend with 25% Share

June 25, 2024
1:16 pm

Facebook is a Leader in Video Ad Spending With a 25% share, Facebook holds a significant portion of the market for video advertising expenditure. This indicates that many businesses consider Facebook a valuable platform to reach their target audience through video ads. Reasons for Facebook’s Dominance Overall: Facebook has a significant position in the video ad market. Businesses considering video advertising should carefully evaluate Facebook’s offerings and compare them to other platforms to determine the best fit for their target audience and campaign goals. Online Video Ads to grow and make up to 25% of U.S. digital advertising for 2018. Facebook Dominates Video Ad Spend with 25% Share

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The Impact of Scraper Bots on Your SEO

May 16, 2024
1:17 pm

Search engine optimization (SEO) remains a challenging endeavor, characterized by its ever-evolving landscape of expectations and best practices. Amidst this dynamic environment, two fundamental principles persist: Regrettably, both of these SEO cornerstones can suffer due to the actions of scraper bots, often without immediate detection. When deployed maliciously, scraper bots facilitate the theft of your content, pricing data, and other proprietary information by competitors or fraudsters. Even ostensibly benign scrapers, such as those used for research purposes, can trigger unforeseen spikes in traffic, leading to increased infrastructure expenses, sluggish page loading times, and potential crashes of your site or app. The Impact of Scraper Bots on Your SEO

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Importance of Google Lighthouse Score for Website Optimisation

Importance of Google Lighthouse Score for Website Optimisation

September 6, 2022
2:12 pm

This article will not teach you how to improve your results, but it will explain what ‘quality’ means for a website and how enhancing it may result in actual advantages for your company or organization. What Is the Purpose of Google Lighthouse? Lighthouse scores are rumored to be used by Google as a ranking component. If this is correct, it means that a website that does well in Google Lighthouse will do well in Google search results as well. Even if this isn’t the case, we know that Google strives to give relevant results and a positive user experience. Lighthouse Importance of Google Lighthouse Score for Website Optimisation

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Technical SEO – What Is Google Lighthouse and Why You Should Use It?

Technical SEO – What Is Google Lighthouse and Why You Should Use It?

August 26, 2022
2:13 pm

Some of the most significant performance parameters for your website are included in your Google Lighthouse score. What is a Google Lighthouse Score, exactly? And what can you do to make it better? What Is Google Lighthouse? Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool that helps you enhance the quality of your web pages by giving strong insights. A Google Lighthouse report allows you to measure and rate how pleasant a user experience your web pages are, as well as provide you with highly useful advice on how to enhance such experiences. Google Expects Excellent User Experiences. Both the website Technical SEO – What Is Google Lighthouse and Why You Should Use It?

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Instagram marketing 2021

What are the best online platforms in UAE to promote business online?

January 12, 2021
7:50 pm

In today’s times of struggle and hard core competition, only the strong one who stands out will survive. And the strongest may not have 500+ employees or the biggest office in the city. Very often its seen that companies who market themselves most effectively survive and also prosper in today’s highly competitive markets. 1. Why opt for digital marketing to market your business in UAE? So what questions need to be answered if you want to start your online promotion campaign. Listed below are the majorly asked questions and their answers before one plans an online promotion drive. In highly What are the best online platforms in UAE to promote business online?

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Predictions 2021 for Retailers, Brand Makers and Mall Operators

November 3, 2020
11:53 am

The pandemic lockdowns have harshly divided the retailers into essential and nonessential businesses due to drastic financial fallout in consumers in 2020. Most of the global retailers and brands in 2021 will now be figuring out which mode they belong to: survival, adaptive, or growth mode — and their path ahead.  Many confident and savviest retailers and brands have started adapting and investing in the process of accelerating their digital transformation by every passing months or even years. Worldwide retailers, brand makers, and ecosystem players like mall operators are completely reconsidering their businesses and methods of working, indicating much change in Predictions 2021 for Retailers, Brand Makers and Mall Operators

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How To Run A successful Marketing Campaign On Instagram In 2020

August 17, 2020
5:39 pm

How to operate A successful Marketing Campaign On Instagram In 2020 Digital marketing is a tough ball game which is hard to master by itself. Today many companies are opting for unethical methods like buying followers and likes, out of which 70% are false profiles or robots. Holistic Marketing in the Digital World A large and flourished digital presence is important for any company. But what is more essential here is that your presence on the internet should also be valued, appreciated and respected by the masses. And this is where holistic digital marketing comes into picture.   Holistic digital marketing How To Run A successful Marketing Campaign On Instagram In 2020

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How long does it takes to show up in top results in Google?

May 27, 2020
10:08 am

As the owner of a digital marketing company, I get this question from every lead generated. “How long will it take for my keywords to show up in top results?” So not to misguide anyone and give a clear idea about what SEO is, what are its process and how and when do we achieve it. This blog is all about the querries arriving related to SEO. SEO strategy till 2018 vs SEO strategy in the 2020s Till lately SEO strategy to find the keywords were by identifying the ones which are the most relevant to your business and which How long does it takes to show up in top results in Google?

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SEO for business promotion

How can SEO be helpful to your business post lock down 2020?

May 11, 2020
6:54 pm

Is lock down gobbling up your business? The world economy has turned down due to the global pandemics. Because of complete lock down businesses are facing tough times to sustain in the year 2020. Businesses are forced to cut down their marketing budgets up to 30% and cut on not so important expenses. This lock down should not affect your business growth plans. Focusing on SEO will be very important to maintain the productivity and well being .of the business. Here are few things you should consider while planning to promote your business online 1. Who is my target audience? How can SEO be helpful to your business post lock down 2020?

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Optimise internet hotspot

How to overcome poor network and internet crisis, while you are working from home?

May 8, 2020
12:15 am

Covid-19 has forced everyone to stay in lockdown and operate from home. Parents are working from home. Students are studying online through Zoom and Google meet. Kids are watching video on Youtube or streaming on Netflix, Amazon prime. Grand parents are communicating with relatives on video call. And this is the case of almost every other house. When so many people work from home, it shall have a negative effect on our home broadband networks. Lot of traffic can clog up connection speeds and slow them to a crawl. Everyone working from home could slow down your Wi-Fi – here’s How to overcome poor network and internet crisis, while you are working from home?

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